Sunday, November 30, 2008

part deux

My grievance isn't so much the parking lot as in the store.Helloooooooo,you are here to shop,not have reunions in the aisles,effectivly blocking all movement around the department.And if you are a dumb ass enough to stand there for a half hour,do not DARE to give me an eyeroll hen I politely say ""Excuse Me" or the next thing you feel will be my size 9.5 boot upside yo ass. and PLEASE, if your child[ren] are shrieking at the top of their lungs, do not smile at them, and your fellow shoppers, indulgently, as if the shrieking is the cutest thing [and you ALL know what I mean by shrieking,not boisterous kid stuff,but the obnoxious stuff] pick up your child and take them out of the store.Period.We have all been there before,carrying OUR shrieking kids out of the store. All my kids took one time to learn not to shriek in a store, around age 2.Once they figured out they had to leave if they did it,they never did it again. Parent your children.And while you're at it,take your damn trash out of the cart,I do NOT need your mickie d wrappers,coffee cups,and empty ciggie packs,really,I DON'T.
Next :X


Shirla said...

Great post, Gail! ITA

TronWife said...

Sing it sister!! Though that is DEFINITELY not unique to the

Anonymous said...

Amen, Gail!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the ones I really hate are the parents who let their kids run around the store unsupervised.

Kris said...

The ones I really hate are the parents with teeny tiny babies who let them cry and cry. They just push them around the store while they are crying.