Tuesday, December 2, 2008


OK, the word express as defined by Merriam-Webster is 'traveling at high speed'. Apparently that definition doesn't apply to the grocery store express lane. I do however know the root cause of the lack of speed. CHECKS. I would rant about WTF uses checks anymore, but I know some people still do. I do too, for certain things(school lunch payment, my stylist, etc). I also will write a check if I'm trying to buy a surprise and don't want a debit showing up on the statement as 'Paintballs R Us' or whatever I'm trying to surprise Bill with. I however do NOT write checks in the express line. I think they just shouldn't be allowed...cash, credit or debit only. Get your shit and get on your way-and outta mine.


Anonymous said...

I sometimes write a check in the Express Lane, if I have forgotten my Debit Card, etc. But I fill in all the blanks ahead of time so that all I have to do is write in the amount when I get it.

What bugs me are the people who think nothing of going through the express lane with a lot of items to buy. I can see one or two items over, but not 10.

Anonymous said...

I was in the express lane at Kroger on my way home from work today ... and yes, the idiot in front of me used a check to pay for PART of her purchases and WIC vouchers to pay for the rest!!!

Then I felt guilty because I had 8 items (15 or less) and the person behind me only had one. Am I morally bound to let them go ahead of me?

Anonymous said...

I dont care if you use a check, just fill the damned thing out ahead of time, not just the date and the name of the store, put your DL number on it, and sign the bloody thing, Im pretty sure you are not going to get checkbook jacked in line at the Piggly Wiggly, so its ok if you sign it..Really.....
Oh yeah and 25 yogurts do NOT count as 1 item...I dont care if they are all lemon. I will let it slide if thats all you are buying is yogurt.

Jodes57 said...

Or the little silver haired lady who "needs to get rid of some of this change" in her gargantuan purse and pays for her entire order in pennies and nickels. Look Granny, either count it out first or save it in a cup to roll up and pay for more Metamucil.

Anonymous said...

Let me in!!! How do I write about the lady that thought she should go ahead of me because she was buying something more expensive? I have grievances I need to grieve about!

I wanna post.
Ebeneezer Grinch.