Thursday, December 11, 2008

Walking in Parking Lots

Seriously, unless you REALLY think you would win the battle if I hit you with my SUV....MOVE THE F%#&$ OVER to the side of the aisle and do not walk down the damn middle of it...... Seriously even MY ass isn't that big. Shes lucky she had her kid in the cart or I would have hit her....


Leonore said...

And why is it, when people cross the street in front of you, especially in a parking lot, they go diagonally and not straight across? Don't they realize going at an angle takes longer for them to cross and will cause me to have parking lot rage? @@

MorganDobson said...

What the heck is it with not allowing people to pull out of handicap spots? Just because you can't use it doesn't mean I should wait for 10 minutes while you put your blinker on while the spot you are waiting for has just started unloading a 2 cart order!